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[이디엄] when pigs fly 절대 일어나지 않을 일

by SOLVERIAN 2021. 8. 29.

when pigs fly


  • pigs might fly
  • flying pig

Meaning | Synonyms

Example Sentences

  1. Her crazy mother said that being so lazy, Megan is going to be rich one day for sure and without any hard working job. Come on, when pigs fly!
  2. I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!
  3. I think he’ll pay you back your money – when pigs fly.
  4. “I think I’ll start working on my project from tomorrow.” “Yes, and pigs might fly.”
  5. “Do you think our team will win the competition?” “Yes, flying pig.”
  6. John asked Sarah whether she would go to the movies with him, Sarah replied that would happen when pigs fly.
  7. He plans to clean his house every week, but he will probably do it only when pigs fly.
  8. “Someday, I’ll become a successful actor.” “And pigs might fly.”
  9. I’ll join your physics classes when pigs fly.


The phrase “pigs might fly” or “pigs may fly” has been used in various forms since the 1600s, when it was said that “pigs fly with their tails forward”, used as a sarcastic remark something overly optimistic. The form “when pigs fly” is more common in America.

Source: theidioms.com

