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An apology

by SOLVERIAN 2021. 4. 11.

“An apology—like a cleaned stain; some of it still remains.” Aleksander 
“Happiest are the people who give most happiness to others.” Denis 
“Any idiot can face a crisis. It’s this day-to-day living that wears you 
out.” Anton Chekhov 


Choose any of the quotes listed above that we considered in the oral part of class. Then create 300-400 word “short write” providing a clear explanation of the writer’s assertion, then defend or challenge it. You may speak to any complexities you view in the issue to be explored. Please be certain to make your writing both clear and stylish, using evocative language to express your point of view.


“An apology—like a cleaned stain; some of it still remains.” I don’t agree with this quote because I don’t think the people remember all of the bad things to happen to main character. I think when we do bad things and we did a good thing to main character, the MC can forget the bad thing. One side, I can understand this Quote, But other side I can not understand this quote. My Quote of happiness is [When I am happy, another person who beside me can be happy. I can make another person’s feeling

