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[이디엄] a piece of cake 식은 죽 먹기

by SOLVERIAN 2021. 9. 22.

a piece of cake


  • very easy task
  • something easily done
  • very simple work
  • effortlessly prepared or done
  • simple job that can straightforwardly be accomplished

Example Sentences

  1. Don’t worry, Sophie – this job interview will be a piece of cake for you – you have all the skills they need and I think you’re absolutely the best candidate.
  2. They said the test would be difficult, but it was a piece of cake – I’ll pass with no problem at all.
  3. Don’t think that this term’s work will be a piece of cake – you’ll have to study hard to get good grades.
  4. Some parts of cooking are really difficult, but I found that making spaghetti Bolognese is a piece of cake.
  5. Giving Maria a make-over was a piece of cake, because she’s so naturally beautiful.
  6. I’ll have to work really hard for the theory part of the exam, but the practical part will be a piece of cake, because I’ve been practicing for so long.


It is believed that this phrase was invented in the 1870s during slavery in the southern states of America. As part of a dance or celebration organised by slave owners, black slaves would compete in ‘cake walks’, performing a dance which imitated and subtely mocked the elaborate and ostentatious gestures of the white slave owners. The most elegant couple/team would be given a cake as an award. It seems that the white slave owners didn’t understand that they were being mocked in these elaborate ‘cake walk’ dances, and took great delight in watching ‘their slaves’ emulating their ‘refined’ behavior. The piece of cake that was awarded as the prize to the best couple/team, came to be known among the blacks as something very easy to obtain. (A sort of underhand and hidden insult to unknowing white ruling class.)


Source: theidioms.com

